Level Up Software Development Analytics

Project managers, analysts, and developers get an easy way to report about the development community involved in the “open source ecosystems” that matter to them.

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What Is An Open
Source Ecosystem?

Contributors Draw

From the activity in a single git repository, to the discussions on an Stack Overflow tag, open source development is happening in different platforms through different processes. An “open source ecosystem” is the information about the people and processes involved in a set of data repositories that represent an open source project.

It could be just a single git repository, or a whole GitHub or GitLab organization, or just last year’s active repositories and a set of related tags in Stack Overflow, or even their project open source dependencies. Cauldron users have the freedom to define their own ecosystem and set up reports to analyze a customizable list of data repositories.

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Complete Analytics As A
Service Platform

The perfect solution for busy Open Source

Ecosystem Analysts



Stop guessing and save time from building your own analytics tool



Define the report you want to get with a few clicks and get the data and insights that matter to you



Share reports, integrate data with your own analytical tooling, or build your own reports


Supported data sources

Issue tracking

GitHub Issues, GitLab Issues (from GitLab, GNOME and KDE)

Source Code Review

GitHub Pull Requests, GitLab Merge Requests (from GitLab, GNOME and KDE)

Source Code Management


Meetings Management



StackExchange (StackOverflow and all available sites)